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  • Emotional CompanionshipPurchase here

    “Ready to learn about ‘Emotional Companionship’? It’s a powerful time for you to learn and grow as you discover your own journey of what you are bringing to relationships. Are you ready to learn how to make room for a wonderful love story?


“Life is powerful and can have so many rewards when you learn to step up and claim the moments available you could be truly amazed. Decide to notice what is available so you no longer miss opportunities.”

  • Save the Pretty, Save the HandsomePre-order here

“Yes, you deserve to save your beautiful and gorgeous side of yourself! Learn how to embrace your glory and share with the best people. Don’t just give your spirit away. Let yourself be honored.” 

  • Communication…What are you really saying?Pre-order here

“Many people say they are great communicators but you’d be surprised how many people miss out on what is right in front of them. Learn how to be engaging to talk with and someone that others feel valuable as you build bonds and connections.”

  • Love Letters to Your Mystery PersonPre-order here

    “Let’s start manifesting the person of your dreams. Whether you are single or in a relationship it’s important to get clear about what you want. Start writing letters from your heart to your mystery person’s heart. These aren’t to be share unless you’d like. It’s about becoming clear and letting the universe get the ‘memo’ about what your soul desires.”
  • Contributing to Each OtherPre-order here

“Many people get excited to date and be in a relationship but often forget how to be a contribution. Learn to attract a great life and know that you can be a gift to the one you love, while they also can become a true gift to you. It’s powerful to be a strong individual but together you can compliment each other in the most beautiful way!”

  • 20 Days of ObservationsPre-order here

“Open your eyes and look around. Seek what you are missing! You’ll be amazed how much more is to be revealed and embraced as you begin observing with clarity. Get ready to engage in noticing details effectively to learn and grow for yourself while opening your heart.”

  • Date IdeasPre-order here

“Whether you are single or in a relationship dating is forever important. Learn ideas to maximize your continual courtship journey. Taking time to prepare for love and success in connections will give your heart and partner a burst of feeling valuable.”

  • Enjoying Love Once You Have ItPre-order here

“Learn how to be present and focused on the relationship you have decided to claim. No more needing to look the other way… it isn’t greener over there! Embracing your love future will give you the greatest rewards!”

  • The Paper Doll TheoryPre-order here

“When you are dating or in a relationship it’s easy to just have people replace a “gap” in your life. This is a dangerous place to seek love. Learn how to make sure you aren’t just filling an ‘opening’ and the person you are with just blends you with a lost love that you might remind them of. Make sure you are unforgettable and attract a fresh space in someone’s heart.”
